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Talent & Training Resources
Rock County Education & Training Resources
Rock County is home to eleven K-12 school districts; and the majority of these districts provide advanced technical education programming and recognized offerings, such as Project Lead the Way. In addition, these districts are active participants in various workforce development inititives, ranging from the regionally (and soon to be nationally) recognized Craftsman with Character program to Youth Apprenticeship, and the Rock Externship and Internship Programs too. For additional local district information, visit the links below and/or visit the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. To review the area’s parochial school offerings, click here.
From a higher education standpoint, Rock County is fortunate to have a wide array of local and regional offerings that provide nationally recognized certifications; Associate to Master Degrees, and more; as well as customized and/or demand-driven programming. A key example of this customization, as well as responsiveness, is Blackhawk Technical College’s Innovative Manufacturing Education Center (IMEC), where students and incumbent workers embed themselves into technology enriched applications. For additional information, visit the links provided below.
In addition to these traditional offerings, training support is also available from the Southwest Wisconsin Workforce Development Board and the State of Wisconsin’s Office of Skills Development.
For those with specialized needs, the County is the host site for the Wisconsin School for the Visually Handicapped.
If you’re an employer, and you are trying to determine where to start, visit this link to access an Employer’s Guide to Workforce & Talent Pipeline Resources in Rock County.